Quoins are architectural embellishments that can be found on wall corners. Made of limestone or sandstone, these additions are available in thicknesses for brick or thin stone veneer. They can enhance the aesthetic appeal of the finished product and provide coherence when other limestone or sandstone pieces are used as exterior accents.

Our thin stone line consists of all natural thin stone used for stucco applications, but has the appearance of full-size natural stone. With many colors and patterns to choose from, our natural stone is an impressive choice for any building project.

Limestone and sandstone can be used to finish and add detail to doorways, windows and other openings requiring a header for completion. These natural stone pieces can add interest and variety to a uniform brick or stone facade.

Window sills made of a natural stone product offer a touch of elegance that completes the exterior design while enhancing a common building element. Various edges and detailed profiling will create a distinct look for your project.

Windows are often an accented feature of a building project. Limestone can be used to reflect a personal touch that will make your project stand out from other very common architectural elements such as brick or stone only. Simple clean lines to detailed accents are available on window surrounds.

Natural stone water-table is often used to cap off one type of masonry work as it transitions to another type of masonry work - for example, stone transitioning to brick. Limestone or sandstone makes an excellent addition to this type of project offering a practical and attractive compliment to the change in veneer. Water-table is also common to break up an all stone or all brick wall and is available in various thicknesses for this purpose.

Limestone keystones are very popular accent pieces allowing a decorative touch while lending to the angles needed within brick jack arches. Keystones are also used on stone headers or arches over doorways.