A picture is worth a thousand words, especially when choosing custom limestone products. Browse our picture gallery, study our designs and let us know how we can help you complete that picture you envision. Our design team can evaluate your site whether you are looking for interior or exterior limestone applications, landscape options or building products.
Specializing in Indiana and Kansas limestone, Key Cuts Inc., additionally offers Pennsylvania blue stone and Ohio sandstone. Custom products include jack arches, stone surrounds and entryways, fireplace mantles, pavers, tile, pier caps, keystones, precision carvings, thin veneers, sills and additional specialties specific to your natural stone needs.
Our stone can be used in a variety of applications such as pavers, wall caps, pier caps, quoined corners, headers, sills, water table, hearths and fireplaces. Explore all that Key Cuts has to offer.
Find out what materials are used and why we pride ourselves on "rock solid quality". Key cuts has a wide variety of materials to make your new addition perfect.
Experience all the ways that Key cuts can help you enhance your home or property. From Pavers to outdoor accessories we have all you need to make those perfect changes to your home.
Scroll through some of the projects that Key Cuts has built in the past. Key Cuts offers a wide range of stone work and has been involved with countless quality home/business projects.